Welcome to JTD-Performance.com, the only shop specialized in tuning hardware for JTD engines Where remapping ends, JTD-Performance will continue! Take a look around in the shop and do not hesitate to contact us for questions.

We offer performance parts for a wide range of engines. Everything from the 1.3 MultiJet to the 2.4 JTD for example. We also offer tuning parts for TBi and MultiAir Engines.Wij bieden performance parts aan voor veel verschillende motortypes. Alles van de 1.3 MultiJet tot bijvoorbeeld de 2.4 JTD, daarnaast bieden wij ook dieverse tuningdelen aan voor TBi en MultiAir motoren.

We always include a manual with the products that are more difficult to install, you can choose if you want the manual on paper or if you also want it digitally on or special platform at checkout.

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Engine performance parts for JTD and TBi engines

4 days ago

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3 weeks ago

Giulia & Stelvio 2.2 JTD low oil pressure.After working on several cars with this problem, we want to show you some more. There's countless topics and Youtube videos, with a lot of talking and assumptions/ opinions in it. Now let's talk FACTS. Most followers know that we base our actions on real life data, whether it is about achieving performance (for example the extensive air filter testing we did last year) or in this case engine durability. Now the oil pressure is finally visibile with the help of the latest Performance Logger update we will show you something that so far was unknown, also for dealerships. We datalogged a Stelvio in a 6-7 min drive that just had been serviced by an Alfa dealer, that had the problem. Then we removed the oil pan and oil pump, found 2 out 7 screws loose, fixed that, placed the oil pump seal modification and filled the engine with 5W30 oil. We started the car and made a new datalog session.The results of both tests were plotted in an Excel graph, red being the pressure before, and blue the pressure after our job was completed. Now look at that difference! And what may be the most shocking part of all is, you may not notice anything AT ALL. You can drive it like this with oil pressure halved until something really goes wrong inside, for instance the crankshaft bearings get chewed up. Yes, when the pressure drops really bad you will get a message. But the issue could be going on a long time already...So be wise and check your oil pressure... better today than tommorow. If too low take appropiate actions. Let's keep these 2.2 JTD's running for as long as possible.jtd-performance.com/en/product/oil-pump-seal-modification-jtd-tbi/jtd-performance.com/en/product/performance-logger-giulia-stelvio-2/ ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

In the fight to prevent thefts of our beloved Alfa Romeo Giulia and Stelvios, we decided to start a partnership with Stuff4car. This Polish company has put extensive engineering into their LM0001 immobilizer, an electronic anti theft device.We think that the combination of our anti theft armor, which is a physical barrier for hacking into the radar unit with the LM0001 electronic barrier makes an even tougher to beat theft prevention. From now on the LM0001 immobilizers are in stock and available for order in the webshop:jtd-performance.com/en/product/immobilizer-giulia-stelvio-2/Anti theft armors you can find here:jtd-performance.com/en/product/anti-theft-armor-giulia/ ... See MoreSee Less
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